
Welcome to HealthEDU207

Health education is the storefront of public health. 

Health Education a primary prevention effort designed to directly influence CDC identified risk factors for teens and young adults. Health Education improves the health of our community by promoting health literacy and developing proficiency in specific health skills.  The Course is part of a k-12 comprehensive, skills-based health education program that targets core knowledge, skills and dispositions required for life and work in our global community. 

Course Syllabus


Educator: Denise Allen

Email: Dallen@msad51.org

Room 106


By appointment

"Creating a life we love means that we intentionally move toward what nourishes us. Like a plant leaning toward the sun to absorb its energy and grow, we thrive when we move toward a lifestyle that fuels growth and illuminates a path to living a full-potential, vibrant life."   - Dr. Denise

Required Course Materials

Photo: Student model of a neuron. Exploring how drugs of abuse alter normal neuron communication and teen brain development.